Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ode to the Old Man Cat

August 1992 - January 29, 2008

You lived a good, long, happy life my friend. You were the cutest furball I ever had seen when I found you at the Westport Road Animal Care Society... I just had to take you home with me. You and Max were instant buds -- his herding instinct keeping you safe in that loft apartment we had! I must say I have never since seen a cat/dog couple quite like the two of you. You just loved each other to pieces. I know that since he'd been gone, you had not been the same. You missed that old Maxer!

What can I say but thank you? Thank you for laying on my swollen pregnant belly and purring. Thank you for being such a good sport when a 2 year old pulled your tail. Thank you for accepting two rotten kittens into your territory when you were old enough to demand better! (But between you and me, I'm pretty sure they gave you a little extra oomph these last two years...)

You were a big, proud tom cat. Taking you to the vet wasn't pleasant, and you let me know loud and clear your displeasure at having to go every year, right up til the end old buddy. It was hard watching you walk around in obvious distress this last month. I just wasn't sure what to do. Doc and Sarah were wonderful to us, and we made the right decision for you.

I am quite certain that you are somewhere right now frolickin' with that Max, and you may have already found a warm spot in the sunshine, and have curled up together to take a little afternoon snooze. The two of you are absolutely resting in peace after all our years together. And you both deserve it so much.

I love you buddy. I will miss you. The girls will miss you. The kittens will miss you. Ben will miss you. We'll have tears for sure, but we have wonderful memories to last the rest of our lifetimes. Sleep well, sweet kitty....

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How sad and loving...brought tears to my eyes. Sending *hugs* your way.