Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A new week

So here we are, on Tuesday, with everyone and most everything "back to normal." Yes, the girls are back to school and Ben is back to work. I am hanging out enjoying the QUIETUDE. Ah. I've missed you, silence!

Today is a day that can go one of two ways.... I could be extremely busy (and productive) or extremely NOT. I have a list of things that I need to do: mail thank you notes (I should really get this done), grocery shop, make doctors' appts., shop for a project I've agreed to do for someone else.... Plus a few dozen other things, like get my license updated and go get a new Social Security card in my new name. But I kinda just want to BE....

Which brings me to my word for the year 2008. I love the idea of choosing a theme word, but it's hard to sum it all up in ONE word. Even a BIG word. But I think BE is going to get it done for me. I chose it because I want to BE in this moment right here, BE healthy, BE scrappy, BE a good wife, BE a good mom, BE ME. I thought about choosing DO, as in get it done, but that didn't convey the idea that I want to enjoy this, this LIFE, MOMENT, REALITY, that I have this instant before POOF! it's gone. There it went. DO, in some ways, just emphasizes the production of something, rather than simply having the moment. Living the moment. Being in the reality that is yours.

So! BE it is! I think I might dabble in a canvas (gasp! as if I need to take on any other projects!) to hang up that incorporates my word. I am feeling rather creative these days, but TIME has been elusive. I must quit feeling like I have to watch football every weekend with my husband! But I do love him, love BEING with him, and I like football too. But there are other things I could do.... Other moments in which I could BE! Ha! I like that!

I should BE in the shower now. The weather is crazy - like upper 60s, low 70s! I should run the errands while it's not sub-zero outside, and still dry. I'm sure rain is moving our way... how can you have such lovely temps without rain in January? You can't! It is quite windy, but that's a tradeoff I'm willing to make for light jacket weather.

Oh, and I also need to learn how to add pictures to my post.... Anyone reading (LOL! As if...) that might have that knowledge should feel free to share it in a comment! Thanks in advance!

Have a beautiful day! Toodles!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Mary....great word! I hope that this year proves to BE everything for you! Oh...you add pics to your blog posts by:

When you are making a new post there are buttons above where you type. Look for the one that is a mountain with a sun *i think*. Click on it and another box will come up that asks you to choose an image. You can click on browse and it will take you to your pictures and you can choose what you like. If you want to add more than one image you can click on the blue link *add another image*. HOwever, if you add too many it seems to bog it down. With your high powered camera I would only do 1 at a time. Then click on upload and then done. You will see in your blog post crazy links at the top. You can cut and paste the pics to wherever you would like them to show up in the post! Hope that helps if you need help just let me know! *hugs*